‘Young Carers in Schools’ Award



Congratulations to Greensward Academy on the news that they have become the first school in Essex to have achieved their Bronze, Silver and Gold Young Carers in Schools Award

SCAFT is keen to support local schools in achieving Carers Trust ‘Young Carers in Schools’ Awards and our staff are happy to work alongside your Designated Young Carers Lead to develop your school’s provision and to provide advice and ideas.

As well our One2One service, we are currently working with several of the Districts schools to enhance their young carers offer with projects such as Young Carers Breakfast Clubs and Young Carers Forums; as well as developing a Young Carers Passport scheme, in partnership with Greensward Academy who piloted it, for use in the district’s secondary schools.

Young Carers support in schools has huge benefits for the life chances of these young people and for the schools themselves. With 1 in 12 students likely to take on caring responsibilities during their time in compulsory education the numbers affected are significant, e.g. 120 students in a school of 1500.

Each of these students is likely to achieve at least one grade less for each GCSE taken and 50% more likely to be NEAT upon leaving school, without additional support. Providing effective support could potentially mean a boost to your schools GCSE results of 840 places if your 120 students take 7 GCSE’s and improve by 1 grade in each subject! Other areas to see gains could be attendance and lateness levels, as well as better classroom behaviour, engagement and concentration.

Couple our student support knowledge and skills with our staff training to raise your team’s awareness and your school could make real progress in meeting the Awards requirements and make major improvements for students with a caring role.

With SCAFT as a partner achieving effective levels of support could be offered with less effort and less drain on your schools resources, in both cash and staff time terms. For more information please give us a call on 01268 741811 or contact us.