
Alongside the development of its services, the training and development of SCAFT’s most valuable resource, its staff, is a significant priority. Training and professional development is a critical factor in continuing to deliver safe, inventive and enjoyable services that give carers the outcomes they need; whilst providing staff with valuable opportunities to step back from daily tasks, examine their practice and invigorate both individuals and the organisation with new and innovative ideas through learning and networking with others.

SCAFT places a high priority on regular statutory training such as Safeguarding, First Aid, Health & Safety and Food Safety, as well as developing competence in professional skills, but looks beyond these minimum requirements to encompass a broader field of attainment. Through regular evaluation of individual training needs and the demands being placed on our services we are able to focus resources on meeting those needs with a proactive response. Willing to investigate, borrow and experiment with ideas from across a broad range of social interventions SCAFT’s staff are asked to evaluate any training they attend, relating it to the workplace and their role in terms of relevance, usefulness and value. Team members are asked to comment on and explore it’s possible extended benefits to service users and the wider organisation.