"To relieve the social, emotional, mental, physical and educational needs of Carers and their families in the county of Essex through the provision of support, person and group centered interventions, advice, guidance and sign posting to other services as appropriate".


Who are young Carers?Children aged 18 and under who care, or help care for a relative with: A physical or learning disability...



Caring is motivated by love and compassion and can be rewarding and fulfilling but emotional and physical demands on you can be...



Do you know a carer that may need a bit of help? Fill in our secure referral form and we can provide a range of support.



See how you can get involved with SCAFT. View our current paid vacancies and volunteering opportunities here.



The object of our organisation is to relieve the social, emotional, mental, physical and educational needs of Carers and their families in the county of Essex through the provision of support, person and group centered interventions, advice, guidance and sign posting to other services as appropriate.

We offer the following carer support:

  • Young Carers aged 6-18
  • Adult Carers

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    Are you a Carer?

    Do you look after or care for a family member, friend or who has:

  • a physical or learning disability
  • mental health condition/illness
  • long term illness/condition including age related issues, HIV and Aids
  • drug and/or alcohol related issues
  • been subject to, or witnessed domestic violence
  • or perhaps cannot cope without some help.

    Healthwatch Essex Health and wellbeing are central to ensuring carers can sustain the support they give to the cared for over a prolonged period, sometimes, a whole lifetime. Carers often tell us they are at breaking point, physically and mentally exhausted with no respite and very little time nor energy to self-assess and acknowledge when their mental health and wellbeing deteriorates, the pressure becomes too much, and many become overwhelmed. Those that do acknowledge their mental health and wellbeing is at risk, often do not know where or how to access the appropriate support.The aim of our survey is to ask you, the carers about your experiences of mental health and wellbeing both good and bad. What you tell us will help shape and influence better awareness of mental health in the caring community and improve support for everyone. We know and appreciate there is a stigma and discrimination around speaking out but the feedback you feel you can share will give us a clear picture of current mental health issues and we value your participation. Whilst we know the mental health and wellbeing of the cared for has a direct impact on the carer, our survey focuses on the carers mental health and wellbeing and we welcome your feedback.You can Take part in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey here > ... See MoreSee Less
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    Rayleigh Lions Club-cioCo-op FuneralcareHigs SolutionsParty Monsters Children’s EntertainerBestax Taxi CompanyRayleigh Town CouncilRochford District CouncilCo-opParty Time! Our young carers were partying hard and having bundles of fun last night, with the help of Rayleigh Lions, Co-op (Eastwood - Eastwood Road North) Co-op Funeralcare, Saqueeb at Higs Solutions, and a private donor who wished to remain anonymous. Thank you all for your generosity, which made this and our other Christmas activities possible.We must also give a big shout out to Jess from Party Monsters Children’s Entertainer who was such a warm and energetic host for the festivities, as well as Bob Bedwell from Rayleigh Lions Club who was brave enough to join in the fun and games.Also a huge thanks to the wonderful people at Bestax Taxi Company for getting so many young people safely to and from the party; as well as Rayleigh Town Council and Rochford District Council who help fund our venue costs. ... See MoreSee Less
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    As we approach 'that' time of year again, our young carers have been busy making, over the last couple of weeks, culminating in our annual Holy Trinity Christmas Tree competition entry! Decorated with their wonderfully bright and colourful creations, our tree can be viewed in Holy Trinity Church, Rayleigh and you can vote for your favourite. After inviting our young carers to offer suggestions, the tree has been titled 'Family Delight'. ... See MoreSee Less
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    Our sincere apologies to those expecting to be attending our young carers group at Waterman School tonight, we've had to cancel with no notice. Despite having booked the date months ago our staff arrived to find the school inaccessible with no warning, due to their half-term arrangements. ... See MoreSee Less
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    Posted 1 year ago

    Description: Volunteering with SCAFT (Supporting Carers And Families Together) is an opportunity to have some fun, whilst making a positive contribution to the lives of Young […]

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    Posted 1 year ago

    As part of our  evening respite groups for Young Carers we provide the children/young people with a meal and we are looking for volunteers with a […]

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    SCAFT is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales as Charity number 1136245 and with Companies House as a Limited company, number 6972805